Lead Interaction
Detailed Guide on how to correctly make use of the masked Email Address and Phone number
You can read a consumer user's temporary email address and/or phone number by calling the Get Lead endpoint.
Note: Access to these fields is disabled by default and requires set up by Yelp before you can use them.
Temporary/Masked Email Address
Important things to note on using Temporary/Masked Email Address:
- The Temporary/Masked Email Address of the Lead Submitter will always be passed via our Get Leads endpoint and can be used for multiple communications for up to 30 days, until it expires.
- Key Requirements if you opt to use/respond to this email:
- Email Footer: The email body must contain the temporary email address delivered in the Get Leads endpoint, as a line at the very end of the email content in exactly the following format:
From: Yelp <[email protected]>
- This line should serve as the footer of your email content. It is essential for our system to recognize and parse the email body correctly.
- Email Footer: The email body must contain the temporary email address delivered in the Get Leads endpoint, as a line at the very end of the email content in exactly the following format:
- Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Avoid Additional Footers: Ensure no additional text, disclaimers, or footers follow the required: "From: Yelp" line. Any text after this line may prevent the email from being parsed correctly.
- Do Not Modify the "From: Yelp" Line: The "From: Yelp" line must be exactly as shown, without alterations. Example, avoid adding "mailto:" or any other modifications to this line.
- Correct Usage: Here is an example of an email body formatted correctly:
Thank you for your interest in our services. We're excited to help you with your project! Please feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.
Best regards,
The Team
From: Yelp <[email protected]>
- Incorrect Usage: The following example includes common mistakes that should be avoided:
Thank you for your interest in our services. We're excited to help you with your project! Please feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.
Best regards,
The Team
From: Yelp <mailto:[email protected]>
This email is confidential and intended for the recipient only.
- In the incorrect example, the addition of "mailto:" within the "From: Yelp" line and the text following the required footer line can lead to parsing issues.
Temporary/Masked Phone Number
Important things to note on using Temporary/Masked Phone Number:
The Temporary/Masked Phone Number of the Lead Submitter, will only be passed via our Get Lead endpoint, and be used for multiple communications for up to 30 days until it expires, if the Lead Submitter opts-in to be communicated with via phone/SMS
If you plan to leverage this field, we recommend to call the Get Lead endpoint after receiving the Masked Phone Number Opt-In Status event webhook .
You can provide a single “Centralized Phone Number or a list of Centralized Phone Numbers” you intend to use during outbound following-ups with the Lead Submitter (via phone and/or SMS). The single “Centralized Phone Number” or “List of Centralized Phone Numbers” are required, so we can add them to an “Allowlist” on our end.
- If you plan to enable and leverage the use of the Temporary/Masked Phone Number value, please provide that “Centralized Phone Number” or “List of Centralized Phone Numbers” in addition to our “Allowlist”.
- Note to Channel Partners on the use of this field: Because you may be managing multiple clients leveraging multiple outbound call-lines, it may not be feasible for you to maintain an updated list of all of your clients’ outbound phone numbers and therefore access to this field may not be available.
Updated 3 months ago