
To get the available reservation times for a restaurant, you can give this endpoint the Business ID along with a few parameters. This endpoint will return times around the requested timeslot and across several days to provide the end user with some options.

In general, the openings endpoint will return times across 4 days - the day before, current day and 2 days after the requested date.

Currently, only openings with "credit_card_required": false are returned.

cURL example with OAuth authentication:

    curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}"

Example 200 response:

  "reservation_times": [
      "date": "2017-09-22",
      "times": [
          "credit_card_required": false,
          "time": "14:45",
          "credit_card_required": false,
          "time": "15:00",
          "credit_card_required": false,
          "time": "15:15",
      "date": "2017-09-23",
      "times": [
          "credit_card_required": false,
          "time": "14:45",
          "credit_card_required": false,
          "time": "15:00",
          "credit_card_required": false,
          "time": "15:15",
  "covers_range": {
    "min_party_size": 1,
    "max_party_size": 7
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!