Business Update

The Yelp Data Ingestion API provides a means for partners to programmatically perform updates on a large number of businesses asynchronously. Partners can perform updates on various attributes. The businesses and fields that can be updated are contract-dependent.

  "businesses": [
      "matching_criteria": {
        "address1": "800 N Point St",
        "address2": null,
        "address3": null,
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "country": "US",
        "latitude": 37.8058024,
        "longitude": -122.420582,
        "name": "Gary Danko",
        "phone": "+14157492060",
        "postal_code": "94109",
        "state": "CA",
        "yelp_business_id": "WavvLdjbuy6g8aZTtbBQHTw"
      "options": {
        "create_if_missing": false,
        "use_matching_criteria_for_update": false
      "partner_business_id": "12345",
      "update": {
        "accepts_credit_cards": true,
        "alcohol": "full_bar",
        "categories": [
        "caters": false,
        "delivery": false,
        "has_tv": false,
        "is_customer": false,
        "is_owner_verified": true,
        "parking": {
          "garage": false,
          "lot": false,
          "street": false,
          "valet": true,
          "validated": false
        "wifi": "no"


Updatable Business Attributes

Please reference the table below for supported 'Business' attributes. To see other Data Ingestion supported resources please check out our Data Ingestion Guide

Property NameValueRequiredDescription
matching_criteriaobjectYesProvides information to find a matching business on Yelp.
matching_criteria.address1stringNoThe first line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.': are allowed.
matching_criteria.address2stringNoThe second line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.': are allowed.
matching_criteria.address3stringNoThe third line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.': are allowed.
matching_criteria.citystringYesThe city of the business. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’.() are allowed.
matching_criteria.countrystringYesThe ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the business. Maximum length is 2.
matching_criteria.latitudedoubleNoThe WGS84 latitude of the business in decimal degrees. Must be between -90 and 90.
matching_criteria.longitudedoubleNoThe WGS84 longitude of the business in decimal degrees. Must be between -180 and 180.
matching_criteria.namestringYesThe name of the business. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _!#$%&+,-.’/:?@' are allowed.
matching_criteria.phonestringNoThe phone number of the business, either (a) locally-formatted with digits only (e.g., 016703080) or (b) internationally-formatted with a leading + sign and digits only after (+35316703080). Maximum length is 32.
matching_criteria.postal_codestringYesThe postal code of the business. Maximum length is 12.
matching_criteria.statestringYesThe ISO 3166-2 code for the region/province of the business. Maximum length is 3.
matching_criteria.yelp_business_idstringNo (Required in phase 1 only)Unique Yelp identifier of the business if available. Used as a hint when finding a matching business.
optionsobjectOptions for handling the business.
options.create_if_missingbooleanWhether to create the business if no matching business is found. Defaults to true if not specified.
options.use_matching_criteria_for_updatebooleanWhether to use the information in the matching criteria to also update the business. When true, the fields from the matching_criteria are merged into the update object. Any fields already present in the update object take precedence. Defaults to false if not specified.
partner_business_idstringOptional unique partner identifier for the business. Must not contain leading or trailing spaces. When provided, partner identifiers cannot change and must remain unique. Maximum length is 100.
updateobjectProvides rich content for the business.
update.about_this_business_historystringThe history of the business. Minimum length is 15, maximum is 1,000; URLs, all caps, and HTML tags are not allowed.
update.about_this_business_specialtiesstringThe specialties of the business. Minimum length is 15, maximum is 1,000; URLs, all caps, and HTML tags are not allowed. Business description will map to this attribute.
update.about_this_business_year_establishedstringThe 4-digit year that the business was established. Year must be no greater than the year following today’s date (e.g., 2015 on 5/1/2014).
update.accepts_credit_cardsbooleanWhether the business accepts credit cards for payments.
update.address1stringThe first line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.: are allowed.
update.address2stringThe second line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.: are allowed.
update.address3stringThe third line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.: are allowed.
update.alcoholstringWhether the business serves alcohol. Possible values are:

"none" - No alcohol is served.
"beer_and_wine" – Only beer & wine are available.
"full_bar" – Beer, wine & spirits are available.
update.by_appointment_onlybooleanWhether the business views patrons by appointment only.
update.categories[]listThe categories, as Yelp aliases, for the business. Case-sensitive. Maximum of 3 leaf categories.

Yelp aliases can be found at the Category List Page or using the Categories API endpoint.
update.catersbooleanWhether the business offers catering.
update.citystringThe city of the business. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and -’.() are allowed.
update.closedbooleanWhether the business is permanently closed.
update.coat_checkbooleanWhether the business offers a coat check.
update.commentstringOptional comment, preferably from the end user, for this update. Maximum length is 4,500; all caps and HTML tags are not allowed.
update.countrystringThe ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the business. Maximum length is 2.
update.deliverybooleanWhether the business offers delivery.
update.desktop_ctanested objectCreate, update, or end a desktop call to action offer using a Call to Action – Desktop resource.
update.display_urlstringThe URL to display on the page. This field can only be set when "url" is also set. "displayurl" and "url" cannot have the same value. Maximum length is 255; only digits, ASCII letters, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^`{|}~ are allowed. Must start with http:// or https://. Links to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or other directories are not allowed in most cases.
update.dogs_allowedbooleanWhether dogs are allowed at the business.
update.group_bookingsbooleanWhether business offers group bookings.
update.happy_hourbooleanWhether the business has a happy hour.
update.has_tvbooleanWhether the business has televisions.
update.hours[]listThe operating hours of the business. Multiple entries can exist for the same day (e.g., a business is open for lunch and dinner but closes in between). To set a business open 24 hours, set both the "open" and "close" fields to 00:00. To set a business to be closed for a specific day of the week, don't include that day in the list.
update.hours[].daystringThe full day of the week, in English, for the hours. Possible values are:

update.hours[].opentimeThe time the business opens on the specified day.
update.hours[].closetimeThe time the business closes on the specified day. The close time can be earlier than the open time if the business closes the following day (e.g., opens at 7 PM and closes at 2 AM).
update.is_customerbooleanWhether the business is a paying client. This is used to indicate the relationship a partner has with the business. false is assumed unless provided.
update.is_owner_verifiedbooleanWhether the owner of the business has verified its information. false is assumed unless provided.
update.latitudedoubleThe WGS84 latitude of the business in decimal degrees. Must be between -90 and 90.
update.longitudedoubleThe WGS84 longitude of the business in decimal degrees. Must be between -180 and 180.
update.menu_datanested objectMenu data, as a Menu Data resource, for the business.
update.menu_urlstringThe business’s menu URL. Maximum length is 2,000; only digits, ASCII letters, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~ are allowed. Must start with http:// or https://. Links to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or other directories are not allowed in most cases.
update.mobile_ctanested objectCreate, update, or end a mobile call to action offer using a Call to Action – Mobile resource.
update.namestringThe name of the business. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _!#$%&+,-./:?@' are allowed.
update.parkingobjectThe types of parking available for the business.
update.parking.garagebooleanWhether a garage or deck is available.
update.parking.lotbooleanWhether a lot is available.
update.parking.streetbooleanWhether street parking is available.
update.parking.valetbooleanWhether valet parking is available.
update.parking.validatedbooleanWhether validated parking is available.
update.metered_phonestringThe call tracking number of the business, either (a) locally-formatted with digits only (e.g., 016703080) or (b) internationally-formatted with a leading + sign and digits only after (+35316703080). Maximum length is 32. If metered_phone is sent, then the phone must also be sent.
update.phonestringThe phone number of the business, either (a) locally-formatted with digits only (e.g., 016703080) or (b) internationally-formatted with a leading + sign and digits only after (+35316703080). Maximum length is 32.[]listPhotos, as Business Photo resources, for the business.
update.platform_servicenested objectPlatform service information, as a Platform Service resource, for the business.
update.postal_codestringThe postal code of the business. Maximum length is 12.
update.opening_datedateThe date the business opened. Must be in the past.
update.outdoor_seatingbooleanWhether the business offers outdoor seating.
update.service_area[]listThe additional locations serviced by the business. Locations must be expressed as unambiguous postal codes or neighborhood- city-state-country combinations. Maximum of 6 locations; distance between locations cannot exceed 100 miles.
update.smokingstringWhether smoking is allowed at the business. Possible values are:

"no" – Smoking is not allowed.
"yes" – Smoking is allowed.
"outdoor" – Smoking is only allowed outside.
update.statestringThe ISO 3166-2 code for the region/province of the business. Maximum length is 3.
update.take_outbooleanWhether the business offers take-out.
update.takes_reservationsbooleanWhether the business takes reservation.
update.urlstringThe business’s website URL. Maximum length is 255; only digits, ASCII letters, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~ are allowed. Must start with http:// or https://. Links to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or other directories are not allowed in most cases.
update.waiter_servicebooleanWhether the business has waiter service.
update.wheelchair_accessiblebooleanWhether the business is wheelchair-accessible.
update.wifistringWhether the business offers Wi-Fi. Possible values are:

"no" – WiFi is not available.
"paid" – Paid WiFi is available.
"free" – Free WiFi is available.
update.linkout_datanested objectlinkout information as a Linkout Data resource, for the business.


This endpoint is part of the Data Ingestion API, visit Data Ingestion API to learn more.

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