
With this endpoint, you can place a physical reservation at a restaurant with all the information provided. This endpoint will take an optional hold id if the partner previously placed a hold. If the restaurant requires a credit card hold, you will not be able to place a reservation and the API will return an error.

In this case, you should use the reserve_url provided in the hold endpoint or the opening endpoint to prompt the user for a reservation.

Note: All parameters being sent into the reservations endpoint needs to be sent as form data inside of the request body. They will not work as query parameters. Additionally, you will receive an error if you don’t pass the exact same reservation time, date and covers values as you supplied to the Holds endpoint.

cURL example with OAuth authentication:

    curl -X POST "" -H "authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}" -H "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"  -d "covers=2&date=2017-12-30&time=18%3A00&unique_id={UNIQUE_ID}&hold_id={HOLD_ID}&first_name={FIRST_NAME}&last_name={LAST_NAME}&email={EMAIL}&phone={PHONE}&notes={NOTES}"

Example 200 response:

    "confirmation_url": "",
    "notes": "test notes",
    "reservation_id": "e33b40ef-f6b1-4f17-987c-d850892564b",
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!