Getting Started
Yelp APIs are split in two sets of APIs:
Public Yelp Fusion
Yelp Fusion is publicly accessible via self serve. To get started visit Getting Started with Yelp Fusion API or Getting Started with Yelp GraphQL -
Yelp Partner APIs
Yelp Partner APIs offer additional features and data. You need to be a Yelp Partner to access these API. To learn on how to become a partner visit Yelp Partner APIs.
Yelp Fusion
The Yelp Fusion API allows you to get the best local content and user reviews from millions of businesses around the world.
You have the ability to search for businesses by keyword, category, location, price level, phone number. Get rich business data, such as name, address, phone number, photos, Yelp rating, price levels and hours of operation.
Visit Getting Started with Yelp Fusion API to learn more.
Parts of Yelp Fusion data is available via GraphQL too.
Visit Getting Started with Yelp GraphQL to learn more.
Yelp Partner APIs
To learn on how to become a partner visit Yelp Partner APIs.
Advertising APIs
Data Ingestion API
Ability to update listing names, address, telephone, URL, photo uploads, store hours, claim listings, and algorithmically match listings. Visit Data Ingestion API to learn more.
Ability to purchase Yelp advertising products like CPC, Branded Profile, Enhanced Profile, Business Highlights, Verified License etc. Visit Ads API to learn more.
Program Feature API
Ability to customize advertising programs like: manage negative keywords, modify ad copy, target specific locations etc. Visit Program Feature API to learn more.
Reporting API
Ability to retrieve a business's metrics. Visit Reporting API to learn more.
Partner Support API
Allow partners to retrieve the latest business information, migration information and advertising program information about their businesses. Visit Partner Support API to learn more.
Leads API
For partners that want to allow business owners to view & respond to their Yelp Request a Quote messages without needing to login to Visit Leads API to learn more.
Knowledge APIs
Yelp Knowledge allows partners leverage Yelp data for customer analytics & insights. Partners may tap into Yelp reviews, location data and engagement metrics to provide data driven insights, such as social analytics and business intelligence, to large and small companies.
Allow clients to respond, publicly, to reviews and publish straight to Yelp. Visit Respond to Reviews API to learn more.
Partner Feeds
Yelp provides an easy way for partners to get access to current Yelp data (as files in JSON format) on a regular basis. Partners can access the feed through a secure file share where Yelp uploads up-to-date data on a daily basis. Visit Partner Feeds to learn more.
Location Subscription API
Partners can use the Location Subscription API to modify the list of businesses that appear in their partner feed. Visit Location Subscription API to learn more.
Private Reviews API
The Yelp Private Reviews API provides a means for partners to retrieve reviews posted by consumers that are publicly viewable on Yelp. Visit Private Reviews API to learn more.
Engagement Metrics API
The Engagement Metrics API returns a business’s consumer engagement score, by week, relative to all other North America-based businesses on Yelp. Visit Engagement Metrics API to learn more.
Platform APIs
For partners that provide booking, orders, reservations, and other forms of transactions. Allow partners to create/update/cancel orders that were initiated on Yelp website/app.
Checkout API
Integrate your ordering, scheduling, payment, fulfillment, and customer support processes into the transaction flow. Visit Checkout API to learn more.
Fulfillment API
This specifies the API that Partners must implement on their servers to provide real-time fulfillment availability checks for their services - for example, for checking if a restaurant delivers to a user-specified delivery address. This is an important step in the checkout flow and is a prerequisite check before Yelp lets the user build an order via the iframe to the Partner. Visit Fulfillment API to learn more.
Transaction Iframe
Expose your transaction services through an iframe for desktop and mobile. Visit Iframe Interactions to learn more.
Reservation API
The Yelp Reservations API exposes functionality for Yelp Reservations search and native booking flows into partner applications. This will allow users to book reservations through Yelp without ever having to leave the 3rd party application. Visit Yelp Reservations API to learn more.
You can access Yelp Fusion via self serve through your Yelp Account. Access the other APIs is restricted to Yelp Partners.
Most APIs require additional set up for access or a separate set of credentials. If you make a call for an API that you do not have rights to, you will get an error.
If you are unsure which API you have access to, please reach out to your company's business development/partnership team.
Updated almost 2 years ago