SMB Claiming API


This document provides an API reference to claim businesses on Yelp and revoke business claims. The Data Ingestion API also supports the ability to look up the status of a business claim request.


Authentication uses basic HTTP authentication over SSL. Data Ingestion API credentials are used to claim, un-claim (revoke) and check the status of a business claim.


To maintain backwards-compatibility with partner-developed applications, the Yelp Data Ingestion API is versioned with the version encoded in the URI. The current and latest version is v1 and all endpoints are located at


Response bodies use the application/json content type and should be encoded in UTF-8.


Yelp identifiers are unique within a type of object only; they are not globally unique. For example, a photo and business may share the same identifier, WavvLdfdP6g8aZTtbBQHTw, but no other photo or business will have that same identifier.

Data Ingestion API

The Yelp Data Ingestion API (“DI API”) provides a means for partners to programmatically perform updates on a large number of businesses asynchronously. Partners can perform updates on various attributes. The businesses and fields that can be updated are contract-dependent.

The DI API has two endpoints:

  1. Creating an ingestion job Given a set of businesses and desired attribute updates, an ingestion job will be created. The job represents a set of updates that will be performed on Yelp businesses.
  2. Querying the status of an ingestion job
    Given an ingestion job ID, return the status of the job. The status will describe whether the job as a whole has been completed as well as the status of individual updates.

Please refer to the DI API document for details regarding the use of DI API. The DI API is required to claim businesses on Yelp.

Business Claiming

The Data Ingestion API provides a means to submit a business claim and to revoke a business claim on Yelp. The API can also be used to check the status of a business claim.

Method HTTP Request Description
submit POST /v1/ingest/create Submit a business claim request using Business Claims object.
revoke POST /v1/ingest/create Revoke a business claim request using Business Claims Revoke object.
status GET /v2/partner_biz_claim/request/status Obtain the status of an existing business claim request.

Submit Business Claim


HTTP Request



Do not supply parameters with this method.

Request Body

In the request body, supply the following resource:

Property Name Value Description
businesses[] list List of the businesses to submit business clams identified by yelp_business_id field.



  "businesses": [
      "matching_criteria": {
        "city": "Golden",
        "name": "Mark's Sports Arena",
        "country": "US",
        "state": "CO",
        "postal_code": "90456",
        "address1": "90876 W Sandy Lane Ave"
      "options": {
        "use_matching_criteria_for_update": false
      "update": {
        "partner_biz_claim": {
          "owner_account": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "email": ""

Revoke Business Claim


HTTP Request



Do not supply parameters with this method.

Request Body

In the request body, supply the following resource:

Property Name Value Description
businesses[] list List of the businesses to submit business clams identified by yelp_business_id field.



  "businesses": [
      "matching_criteria": {
        "city": "Golden",
        "name": "Mark's Sports Arena",
        "country": "US",
        "state": "CO",
        "postal_code": "90456",
        "address1": "90876 W Sandy Lane Ave"
      "options": {
        "use_matching_criteria_for_update": false
      "update": {
        "partner_biz_claim_revoke": {
          "email": ""

Check Business Claim Status - v2

First, you must check if the claim request job succeeded using the Data Ingestion status endpoint:

HTTP Request


Second, if the above status of the job=COMPLETED, then the business claim email(s) have been sent and you can use the Business Claim Status (v2) endpoint below to check if the business owner has APPROVED or DENIED the request:

HTTP Request


Claim Status Success Response

Name Type Description
partner_biz_claim_results PartnerBusinessClaimsStatusObject A list of PartnerBusinessClaims StatusObject.
errors RequestErrorObject Object that encapsulates errors with parameters on the request

Partner Business Claims Status Object

Description of the PartnerBusinessClaimsStatusObject

The following fields can be returned under “partner_biz_claim_results” on the response:

Name Type Description
job_id String Encrypted ID
yelp_business_id String Encrypted ID
owner_claim_request ClaimRequestStatusObject Object that encapsulates basic claim info:
* biz_user_email
* request_status
* error
* time_created

Error fields

Description of the RequestErrorObject

The following fields can be returned under “errors” on the response:

Request Status Code Description
invalid_job_id The submitted job ID was not a valid job ID.
invalid_biz_ids A list of input business IDs that were not valid Yelp business IDs.
job_id_with_no_claim_results The submitted job ID had no associated claim requests.
biz_ids_with_no_claim_results A list of submitted Yelp business IDs with no associated claim requests.





  "partner_biz_claim_results": [
      "owner_claim_request": {
        "request_status": "PENDING",
        "biz_user_email": "",
        "time_created": "2017-12-12 13:55:25",
        "signup_url": ""
      "yelp_business_id": "Ak9iH80pR01lOgQ0wNTyPA",
      "job_id": "5nhctdbrhydWeimreZ4R-Q"
    "errors": null

Claim Request Status Codes

The following request status codes may be returned by the Claim Status endpoint:

Request Status Code Description
PENDING The claim request for the account is on hold. A business owner needs to act on the claim email to change this state.
APPROVED The claim request has been approved. The account should now have access to the business.
DENIED The business owner has rejected the claim request by the partner.
REVOKED_BY_PARTNER The claim request has been revoked by the partner.
CLAIM_FAILED The account was not claimed due to an internal error.
NEEDS_REVERIFY The user needs to redo the verification with Yelp to regain access to Yelp business owner account. This status includes a link to the Yelp verification page, field name “reverify_url”.
DENIED_NEW_BUSINESS_REJECTED The new business addition has been rejected by our User Operations team.


The v2 endpoint differs from v1 by adding job_id and yelp_business_ids as request parameters. A request can be made either with a job ID or with a list of business IDs or both. At least one must be present. Any invalid job IDs or business IDs will be flagged on the response. Similarly, if the submitted job ID or any of the submitted business IDs do not yield any associated claim requests, they will be flagged on the response.

A request will return with an HTTP 200 response if there are any claim request results. Invalid IDs or IDs with no requests will be present under a separate errors field like so:





  "partner_biz_claim_results": [
      "owner_claim_request": {
        "request_status": "PENDING",
        "biz_user_email": "",
        "time_created": "2017-12-12 13:55:25",
        "signup_url": ""
      "yelp_business_id": "Ak9iH80pR01lOgQ0wNTyPA",
      "job_id": "5nhctdbrhydWeimreZ4R-Q"
  "errors": [
	"biz_ids_with_no_claim_results": ["nDsND_MeUjo9j90eTkrVqQ"],
    	"invalid_biz_ids": ["foobar"],
    	"job_id_with_no_claim_results": ["m9tQbx_sAOMpnuYb1zdClA"]

Claim Status HTTP Error Codes

The following error codes may be returned by the Claim Status endpoint:

Error Code ID Description
400 INVALID_REQUEST Missing a required parameter or includes an unsupported parameter.
404 PARTNER_BIZ_CLAIM_IDS_NOT_FOUND No requests associated with given ids found.
400 TOO_MANY_IDS Number of supplied IDs exceeded limit. Must be no more than 500.
404 NOT_FOUND Resource not found



    "error": {
        "http_code": 404,
        "description": "No requests associated with given ids found. Job ID: 1p68i0UEimI8c3aognhozQ. "

Claim Request Status Error Codes

The following error codes may be returned in the ClaimsRequestStatusObject:

Error Code Description
BIZ_CLAIM_ERROR A technical error on Yelp's side prevented the claim from succeeding. Please try again.
BIZ_CLAIM_NOT_ALLOWED Claiming is not allowed for this business.
BIZ_CLOSED Claiming is not allowed for this business because it is closed.
BIZ_REMOVED_FROM_SEARCH This business cannot be claimed because the business has been removed from search by Yelp due to duplicate, eligibility status, etc. Contact if the business is erroneously removed.
BIZ_ID_INVALID This business cannot be claimed because the Yelp business ID provided is invalid.
BIZ_PENDING This business cannot be claimed because the business has not yet been approved by Yelp's User Ops team.
CLAIM_CODE_INVALID A technical error on Yelp's side prevented the claim from succeeding. Please try again.
CLAIM_CODE_EXPIRED A technical error on Yelp's side prevented the claim from succeeding. Please try again.
FAILED_DUE_TO_FAILED_OWNER_REQUEST This request failed because the corresponding owner request failed.



  "partner_biz_claim_results": [
      "yelp_business_id": "rBtc3i5jYMm7Q_P4LMEHKw",
      "owner_claim_request": {
        "request_status": "FAILED",
        "biz_user_email": "",
        "time_created": "2018-02-23 14:45:20",
        "signup_url": ""
        "error": {
          "message": "Claiming is not allowed for this business because it is closed.",
          "code": "BIZ_CLOSED"
      "job_id": "5dP4T0nbtNXDwceLhGvKMg"
  "errors": {
    "invalid_biz_ids": [

Create and Claim Business

HTTP Request



This example below shows how you can create a new business called "BoJack's Restaurant" and send the business owner information for John Doe in 1 API call.

After the Yelp User Operations team approves the new business listing in 1-2 days, the business owner, John Doe, will receive an email to claim the business at


Request Body

	"businesses": [{
		"matching_criteria": {
			"name": "BoJack's Restaurant",
			"address1": "15 Hollywoo St",
			"city": "Los Angeles",
			"state": "CA",
			"country": "US",
			"phone": "+13640222312",
			"latitude": 1.924122456,
			"longitude": 49.12122299
		"options": {
			"use_matching_criteria_for_update": "true",
			"create_if_missing": "true"
		"update": {
			"categories": ["pizza"],
			"partner_biz_claim": {
				"owner_account": {
					"first_name": "John",
					"last_name": "Doe",
					"email": ""


    "status": "PROCESSING",
    "yelp_business_id": "9RKJAGex9lXjUReMcDETpg",
    "update_results": {
        "categories": [
                "status": "APPLIED",
                "requested_value": "pizza"
    "partner_business_id": null
Property Name Value Required Description
matching_criteria object This information will be used to create a business string Yes The name of the business. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and !#$%&+,-./:?@' are allowed.
matching_criteria.address1 string No The first line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and -’/#&,.: are allowed.
matching_criteria.address2 string No The second line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and -’/#&,.: are allowed. string Yes The city of the business. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and -’.() are allowed.
matching_criteria.state string Yes The ISO 3166-2 code for the region/province of the business. Maximum length is 3.
matching_criteria.postal_code string Yes The postal code of the business. Maximum length is 12. string No The phone number of the business, either (a) locally-formatted with digits only (e.g., 016703080) or (b) internationally-formatted with a leading + sign and digits only after (+35316703080). Maximum length is 32. string Yes The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the business. Maximum length is 2.
matching_criteria.latitude double No The WGS84 latitude of the business in decimal degrees. Must be between -90 and 90.
matching_criteria.longitude double No The WGS84 longitude of the business in decimal degrees. Must be between -180 and 180.
update object Provides rich content for the business.
update.categories[] list Yes The categories, as Yelp aliases, for the business. Case-sensitive. Maximum of 3 leaf categories.

Yelp aliases can be found at the Category List Page or using the Categories API endpoint.
update.url string The business’s website URL. Maximum length is 255; only digits, ASCII letters, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed. Must start with http:// or https://. Links to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or other directories are not allowed in most cases.
update.about_this_business_specialties string No The specialties of the business. Minimum length is 15, maximum is 1,000; URLs, all caps, and HTML tags are not allowed.
update.about_this_business_history string No The history of the business. Minimum length is 15, maximum is 1,000; URLs, all caps, and HTML tags are not allowed.
update.hours[] list No The operating hours of the business. Multiple entries can exist for the same day (e.g., a business is open for lunch and dinner but closes in between). To set a business open 24 hours, set both the "open" and "close" fields to 00:00. To set a business to be closed for a specific day of the week, don't include that day in the list.
update.hours[].day string No The full day of the week, in English, for the hours. Possible values are:
update.hours[].open time No The time the business opens on the specified day.
update.hours[].close time No The time the business closes on the specified day. The close time can be earlier than the open time if the business closes the following day (e.g., opens at 7 PM and closes at 2 AM).[] list Photos for the business.[].caption string The caption of the photo. Maximum length is 128, only digits, letters, spaces, and !"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;=?@[\\]^_`{|}~ are allowed.[].url string The photo’s full-size image URL. Photos must be larger than 100x100 and smaller than 10000x10000 to be considered valid.

Resource Types

Business Claims Object

	"owner_account": Owner Account Object

At least one of the Account Objects must be submitted.

Property Name Value Required Description
owner_account nested object No An Owner Account Object for the business owner.

Owner Account Object

	"first_name": {string},
	"last_name": {string},
	"email": {string},
	"partner_name": {string}
Property Name Value Required Description
first_name string Yes First name for the account
last_name string Yes Last name for the acccount
email string Yes Email address for the account
partner_name string No Name of the partner to appear in business claim emails sent to the business owner. If not specified, the default partner name will be used.

Business Claims Revoke Object

	"email": {string}
Property Name Value Required Description
email string Yes Email address for the business owner to un-claim. A business owner claim can only be un-claimed if it is still in PENDING state.


Check out our Claim Request Reference Page

:owlbert: Claim Request Endpoint