Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long does a take for the business to be reviewed by the Yelp User Operations team?
It generally takes about 24-72 hours for Yelp’s User Operations team to review the business, and following the review, push it through to be indexed in search.
2. Is there any way to create a business and claim it at the same time?
You can create and claim a business in a single API call using our Data Ingestion API. Please reference our Create and Claim guide.
3. What happens if partners do not email the list of businesses to [email protected] for whitelisting?
If a partner does not send the list of test listings with their associated Job IDs immediately following the creation of these listings, then Yelp’s User Ops team will unfortunately treat this as a normal listing and remove it from search which, of course makes sense, because it is part of our effort to remove fake listings to preserve content integrity on Yelp. 😃
4. Are there any plans in the future for Yelp to establish a separate test environment from production?
This is not a current priority, but there shouldn’t be risks to running tests in live production as long as the parameters and steps outlined above are followed closely. However, please do let us know if there are limitations we are overlooking by contacting us at [email protected].
Updated almost 4 years ago