Data Ingestion API


This is a Yelp Partner API

Access is disabled by default. See Yelp Partner APIs on how to get access.


The Yelp Data Ingestion API provides a means for partners to programmatically perform updates on a large number of businesses asynchronously. Partners can perform updates on various attributes. The businesses and fields that can be updated are contract-dependent. Access to the Data Ingestion API is reserved for contracted Yelp partners.

The API has two endpoints:

  1. Creating an ingestion job
    Given a set of businesses and desired attribute updates, an ingestion job will be created. The job represents a set of updates that will be performed on Yelp businesses.
  2. Querying the status of an ingestion job
    Given an ingestion job ID, return the status of the job. The status will describe whether the job as a whole has been completed as well as the status of individual updates.


Authentication uses basic HTTP authentication over SSL. Credentials are provided separately.


To maintain backwards-compatibility with partner-developed applications, the Yelp Data Ingestion API is versioned with the version encoded in the URI. The current and latest version is v1 and all endpoints are located at


Request and response bodies use the application/json content type and should be encoded in UTF-8. This format supports special characters (e.g. ‘ & / % etc.).


Yelp identifiers are unique within a type of object only; they are not globally unique. For example, a photo and business may share the same identifier, WavvLdfdP6g8aZTtbBQHTw, but no other photo or business will have that same identifier.

Value Types

All datetime properties should use the ISO 8601 format and be stored in UTC.

All time properties should use the format HH:MM[:SS] and be timezone-agnostic.

Submitting values as an empty string will attempt to delete that current value for that attribute. Generally speaking, please don't send empty string values for attributes. The only exception is for metered_phone - if you'd like to delete the shown call tracking number, that's fine.

Rate Limiting

The default rate limits are:
Creating an ingestion job - 30 requests per 5 minutes.
Querying the status of an ingestion job - 30 requests per 5 minutes.

Standards and Best Practices

Please reference our business submission standards guide.

How empty "" and null values are treated:
Anything included in the "update" section will be applied to the location. Please only include updates when you're intentionally changing the value of a specific attribute. Submitting empty "" & null values will delete the current Yelp value for that attribute. For example, submitting an update of {"address1": ""} will delete the current value of address1.

Resource Types

The Data Ingestion API currently supports the following resources:


	"matching_criteria": {
		"address1": {string},
		"address2": {string},
		"address3": {string},
		"city": {string},
		"country": {string},
		"latitude": {double},
		"longitude": {double},
		"name": {string},
		"phone": {string},
		"postal_code": {string},
		"state": {string},
		"yelp_business_id": {string}
	"options": {
		"create_if_missing": {boolean},
		"use_matching_criteria_for_update": {boolean},
	"partner_business_id": {string},
	"update": {
		"about_this_business_history": {string},
		"about_this_business_specialties": {string},
		"about_this_business_year_established": {string},
		"about_this_business_bio": {string},
		"about_this_business_bio_first_name": {string},
		"about_this_business_bio_last_name": {string},
		"accepts_credit_cards": {boolean},
		"accepts_insurance": {boolean},
		"address1": {string},
		"address2": {string},
		"address3": {string},
		"alcohol": {string},
		"by_appointment_only": {boolean},
		"categories": [
		"caters": {boolean},
		"city": {string},
		"closed": {boolean},
		"coat_check": {boolean},
		"comment": {string},
		"contactless_delivery": {boolean},
		"contactless_payment": {boolean},
		"country": {string},
		"covid_19_virus_response": {string},
		"curbside_pickup": {boolean},
		"customers_must_wear_masks": {boolean},
		"delivery": {boolean},
		"desktop_cta": Call to Action – Desktop Object,
		"display_url": {string},
		"dogs_allowed": {boolean},
		"drive_thru": {boolean},
		"employees_wear_gloves": {boolean},
		"employees_wear_masks": {boolean},
		"group_bookings": {boolean},
		"group_name": {string},
		"happy_hour": {boolean},
    "has_storefront_address": {boolean},
		"has_tv": {boolean},
		"hours": [
				"day": {string},
				"date": {date},
				"open": {time},
				"close": {time},
				"action": {string}
		"in_store_shopping": {boolean},
		"is_customer": {boolean},
		"is_black_owned": {boolean},
		"is_latinx_owned": {boolean},
		"is_owner_verified": {boolean},
		"latitude": {double},
		"limited_capacity": {boolean},
		"longitude": {double},
		"menu_data": Menu Data Object,
		"menu_url": {string},
		"mobile_cta": Call to Action – Mobile Object,
		"name": {string},
		"parking": {
			"garage": {boolean},
			"lot": {boolean},
			"street": {boolean},
			"valet": {boolean},
			"validated": {boolean}
		"metered_phone": {string},
		"outdoor_seating": {boolean},
		"opening_date": {date},
		"on_premise_access": {boolean},
		"phone": {string},
		"photos": [
			Business Photo Object,
		"platform_service": Platform Service Object,
		"postal_code": {string},
		"provides_santizers_to_customers": {boolean},
		"proof_of_vaccination_required": {boolean},
		"sanitizing_between_customers": {boolean},
		"service_area": [
		"service_offerings": Service Offerings Object, 
		"jobs_data": Jobs Data Object (Coming soon),
		"smoking": {string},
		"social_distancing": {boolean},
		"staff_fully_vaccinated": {boolean},
		"state": {string},
		"store_code": {string},
		"take_out": {boolean},
		"takes_reservations": {boolean},
		"temperature_check": {boolean},
		"temporarily_closed": {date},
		"url": {string},
		"waiter_service": {boolean},
		"wheelchair_accessible": {boolean},
		"wifi": {string},
		"linkout_data": [Linkout Data Object]
Property Name Value Required Description
matching_criteria object Provides information to find a matching business on Yelp.
matching_criteria.address1 string No The first line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.': are allowed.
matching_criteria.address2 string No The second line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.': are allowed.
matching_criteria.address3 string No The third line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.': are allowed. string Yes The city of the business. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’.() are allowed. In the US when updating businesses in Washington DC, please submit as city: "Washington" state: "DC" not as city: "Washington, DC" string Yes The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the business. Maximum length is 2.
matching_criteria.latitude double No The WGS84 latitude of the business in decimal degrees. Must be between -90 and 90.
matching_criteria.longitude double No The WGS84 longitude of the business in decimal degrees. Must be between -180 and 180. string Yes The name of the business. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _!#$%&+,-.’/:?@' are allowed. string No The phone number of the business, either (a) locally-formatted with digits only (e.g., 016703080) or (b) internationally-formatted with a leading + sign and digits only after (+35316703080). Maximum length is 32.
matching_criteria.postal_code string Yes The postal code of the business. Maximum length is 12. If submitting zip+4 for US listings use this format "xxxxx-xxxx"
matching_criteria.state string Yes The ISO 3166-2 code for the region/province of the business. Maximum length is 3.
matching_criteria.yelp_business_id string No (Required in phase 1 only) Unique Yelp identifier of the business if available. Used as a hint when finding a matching business.
options object Options for handling the business.
options.create_if_missing boolean Whether to create the business if no matching business is found. Defaults to true if not specified.
options.use_matching_criteria_for_update boolean Whether to use the information in the matching criteria to also update the business. When true, the fields from the matching_criteria are merged into the update object. Any fields already present in the update object take precedence. Defaults to false if not specified.
partner_business_id string Optional unique partner identifier for the business. Must not contain leading or trailing spaces. When provided, partner identifiers cannot change and must remain unique. Maximum length is 100.
update object Provides rich content for the business.
update.about_this_business_history string The history of the business. Minimum length is 15, maximum is 1,000; URLs, all caps, and HTML tags are not allowed. Please note: "about_this_business_year_established" also needs to be populated for this field to be visible on the listing. This field is reserved for current Yelp advertisers.
update.about_this_business_specialties string The specialties of the business. Minimum length is 15, maximum is 1,500; URLs, all caps, and HTML tags are not allowed. Business description will map to this attribute. This field is reserved for current Yelp advertisers.
update.about_this_business_year_established string The 4-digit year that the business was established. Year must be no greater than the year following today’s date (e.g., 2015 on 5/1/2014). Please note: "about_this_business_history" also needs to be populated for this field to be visible on the listing. This field is reserved for current Yelp advertisers.
update.about_this_business_bio string Brief biographical information about the business account holder. Minimum length is 15, maximum is 1,000; URLs, all caps, and HTML tags are not allowed. This field is reserved for current Yelp advertisers.
update.about_this_business_bio_first_name string The first name of the business owner. Maximum length is 59. This field is reserved for current Yelp advertisers.
update.about_this_business_bio_last_name string The first initial of the business owner’s last name. Minimum length is 1, maximum is 1. This field is reserved for current Yelp advertisers.
update.accepts_credit_cards boolean Whether the business accepts credit cards for payments.
update.accepts_insurance boolean Whether the business accepts insurance for payment.
update.address1 string The first line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.: are allowed.
update.address2 string The second line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.: are allowed.
update.address3 string The third line of the business’s address. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _-’/#&,.: are allowed.
update.alcohol string Whether the business serves alcohol. Possible values are:

"none" - No alcohol is served.
"beer_and_wine" – Only beer & wine are available.
"full_bar" – Beer, wine & spirits are available.
update.by_appointment_only boolean Whether the business views patrons by appointment only.
update.categories[] list The categories, as Yelp aliases, for the business. Case-sensitive. Maximum of 3 leaf categories. Please Note: categories can only be added to locations that don't currently have a category. Any update attempts to change/update existing categories will fail.

Yelp aliases can be found at the Category List Page or using the Categories API endpoint.
update.caters boolean Whether the business offers catering. string The city of the business. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and -’.() are allowed.
update.closed boolean Whether the business is permanently closed.
update.coat_check boolean Whether the business offers a coat check.
update.comment string Optional comment, preferably from the end user, for this update. Maximum length is 4,500; all caps and HTML tags are not allowed.
update.contactless_delivery boolean Does the business offer contactless delivery?
update.contactless_payment boolean Apply if business allows contactless payments such as Apple Pay, Android Pay, etc. string The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the business. Maximum length is 2.
update.covid_19_virus_response string A covid related message that's relevant and useful for consumers. Phone numbers, websites link, social media links that represent the business may be included. 1500 characters maximum.

Example of an acceptable message: “Effective March 17th, all locations will be closed. Our plan is to reopen on April 7th depending on the COVID-19 situation at that time. Thank you”
update.curbside_pickup boolean Does the business offer curbside pickup?
update.customers_must_wear_masks boolean Apply if business requires all customers to wear a mask. boolean Whether the business offers delivery.
update.desktop_cta nested object Create, update, or end a desktop call to action offer using a Call to Action – Desktop resource.
update.display_url string What will display on the Yelp page as the external url to direct to. Note the "url" field dictates the destination of a consumer's click, display_url is simply what's displayed. We suggest keeping it simple like or location subpages are fine too like Please don't include UTMs or other tracking parameters.
update.dogs_allowed boolean Whether dogs are allowed at the business.
update.drive_thru boolean Whether the business has a drive-thru. Only available for businesses with a 'restaurants' parent category.
update.employees_wear_gloves boolean Apply if business employees wear gloves when in contact with customers or goods.
update.employees_wear_masks boolean Apply if business employees wear masks when in contact with customers or goods.
update.group_bookings boolean Whether business offers group bookings.
update.group_name string The group name for this location.
update.happy_hour boolean Whether the business has a happy hour.
update.has_storefront_address boolean Whether the business has a physical address that consumers can visit. For businesses like plumbers who travel to the consumer's location and don't have a physical office that's consumer facing, this field should be set to False.
update.has_tv boolean Whether the business has televisions.
update.hours[] list The operating hours of the business. Multiple entries can exist for the same day (e.g., a business is open for lunch and dinner but closes in between). To set a business open 24 hours, set both the "open" and "close" fields to 00:00. To set a business to be closed for a specific day of the week, don't include that day in the list.
update.hours[].day string The full day of the week, in English, for the hours. Possible values are:

update.hours[].date date Used to denote special hours for a specific date. This is typically used for holidays where the location will have hours that differ from their standard hours. Display rules for special hours on we'll show hours for the current week (today - Sunday). For example, if on Wednesday you submit special hours for the coming Tuesday, those hours will be displayed on the page on the coming Monday. The expected format when submitting special hours will look like below, don't include day if sending us a date:

{ "date": "2019-12-31", "close": "01:00", "open": "11:00" }
update.hours[].open time The time the business opens on the specified day or date.
update.hours[].close time The time the business closes on the specified day or date. The close time can be earlier than the open time if the business closes the following day (e.g., opens at 7 PM and closes at 2 AM).
update.hours[].action string This field should be used in conjunction with hours[].date to denote what kind of special hours apply to a specific calendar date. The accepted values are:

"usual"- regular business hours apply.
"closed"- the business is closed.
"delete"- deletes the previously set special hours.

Sample request format:
{ "date": "2020-04-17", "action": "usual" }
update.in_store_shopping boolean Apply if the business is open for in-store shopping. This is especially important during COVID-19, as many businesses are open but allow only curbside pickup or offer only online services. Only avialable in select categories, see here:
update.is_customer boolean Whether the business is a paying client. This is used to indicate the relationship a partner has with the business. false is assumed unless provided.
update.is_black_owned boolean Whether the business is black owned.
update.is_latinx_owned boolean Whether the business is latinx owned.
update.is_owner_verified boolean Whether the owner of the business has verified its information. false is assumed unless provided.
update.jobs_data object A list of the jobs a services business can offer to its customers. To understand how to submit this data, please request support from [email protected].
update.latitude double The WGS84 latitude of the business in decimal degrees. Must be between -90 and 90.
update.limited_capacity boolean Apply if business accepts customers in limited capacity (in order to comply with social distancing guidelines.
update.longitude double The WGS84 longitude of the business in decimal degrees. Must be between -180 and 180.
update.menu_data nested object Menu data, as a Menu Data resource, for the business.
update.menu_url string The business’s menu URL. Maximum length is 2,000; only digits, ASCII letters, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed. Must start with http:// or https://. Links to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or other directories are not allowed in most cases.
update.mobile_cta nested object Create, update, or end a mobile call to action offer using a Call to Action – Mobile resource. string The name of the business. Maximum length is 64; only digits, letters, spaces, and _!#$%&+,-./:?@' are allowed.
update.opening_date date The estimated opening date of a business. Expected format: mm/dd/yyyy
update.parking object The types of parking available for the business.
update.parking.garage boolean Whether a garage or deck is available.
update.parking.lot boolean Whether a lot is available.
update.parking.street boolean Whether street parking is available.
update.parking.valet boolean Whether valet parking is available.
update.parking.validated boolean Whether validated parking is available.
update.metered_phone string The call tracking number of the business, either (a) locally-formatted with digits only (e.g., 016703080) or (b) internationally-formatted with a leading + sign and digits only after (+35316703080). Maximum length is 32. If metered_phone is sent, then the phone must also be sent.
update.on_premise_access boolean Apply if business is open for in-store visit, this is equivalent of sit down for restaurants. Only avialable in select categories, see here: string The phone number of the business, either (a) locally-formatted with digits only (e.g., 016703080) or (b) internationally-formatted with a leading + sign and digits only after (+35316703080). Maximum length is 32.[] list Photos, as Business Photo resources, for the business.
update.platform_service nested object Platform service information, as a Platform Service resource, for the business.
update.postal_code string The postal code of the business. Maximum length is 12.
update.provides_santizers_to_customers boolean Apply if business provides sanitizers or wipes to customers.
update.proof_of_vaccination_required boolean Apply if business requires proof of covid-19 vaccination by customers.
update.outdoor_seating boolean Whether the business offers outdoor seating.
update.sanitizing_between_customers boolean Let users know whether the business regularly conducts disinfection practices after each customer visit.
update.service_area[] list of strings The additional locations serviced by the business. Locations must be expressed as unambiguous postal codes or neighborhood- city-state-country combinations. Maximum of 6 locations; distance between locations cannot exceed 100 miles. Example of an acceptable input: ["73768","Ringwood,OK"] *Please note: this attribute is used to show what areas a plumber might service. This attribute is different from "Platform Service Area".
update.service_offerings[] object A list of the services a business can offer to its customers. To request a list of currently available service offerings, please request this from [email protected].
update.service_offerings[].alias string The alias of the service offerings. Example:"offers_virtual_classes"
update.service_offerings[].value boolean Wheter this service offerings is available .
update.smoking string Whether smoking is allowed at the business. Possible values are:

"no" – Smoking is not allowed.
"yes" – Smoking is allowed.
"outdoor" – Smoking is only allowed outside.
update.social_distancing boolean Apply for businesses adhering to social distancing norms for its customers. Every business type is different, for example, a business could provide increased spacing between persons to maintain at least six feet distance at all times. This could also mean additional spacing between booths, divider shields or other makeshift partitions .
update.staff_fully_vaccinated boolean Apply if the business staff is fully vaccinated against covid-19.
update.state string The ISO 3166-2 code for the region/province of the business. Maximum length is 3.
update.store_code string The store code for this location.
update.take_out boolean Whether the business offers take-out.
update.takes_reservations boolean Whether the business takes reservation.
update.temperature_check boolean Apply if business checks customers temperature at the store front.
update.temporarily_closed date A future date the business should be temporarily closed until. Temporarily closing a business means that not only is the storefront closed, but it's also not conducting any business or providing any services at all (for example, no takeout, delivery, any virtual services, etc.). In addition, temporarily closed businesses will not be shown in search results, unless searched by name.

Expected format is mm/dd/yyyy.

To end the temporarily closed status of a business, aka reopen the business immediately, submit an empty string "" in place of a real date.

Example request format to remove the temporarily closed status:
{"temporarily_closed": ""}
update.url string The business’s website URL. Maximum length is 255; only digits, ASCII letters, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed. Must start with http:// or https://. Links to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or other directories are not allowed in most cases.
update.waiter_service boolean Whether the business has waiter service.
update.wheelchair_accessible boolean Whether the business is wheelchair-accessible.
update.wifi string Whether the business offers Wi-Fi. Possible values are:

"no" – WiFi is not available.
"paid" – Paid WiFi is available.
"free" – Free WiFi is available.
update.linkout_data List of nested object Linkout Data Type Linkout Data information, as a Linkout Data resource, for the business.

Business Photo

	"caption": {string},
	"url": {string}

Note that photos must be larger than 100x100 and smaller than 8000x8000 to be considered valid.

If you want to delete photos, please goto the Delete Photo section.

Property Name Value Description
caption string The caption of the photo. Maximum length is 128, only digits, letters, spaces, and !"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;=?@[\\]^_`{|}~ are allowed.
url string The photo’s full-size image URL.

Business Result

	"error": Error Object,
	"partner_business_id": {string},
	"status": {string},
	"update_results": {
		{(key)}: Result Object
	"yelp_business_id": {string}
Property Name Value Description
error nested object Error that occurred when processing the business. Only present if the status is "REJECTED" or "FAILED".
partner_business_id string Partner business ID provided in the original request. If no ID was provided, this field is not present.
status string Overall status of the business. Possible values are:

"PROCESSING" – the business is being processed
"COMPLETED" – the business is completed
"REJECTED" – the business was rejected
"FAILED" – the business update failed due to an internal error
update_results object Status of individual attributes.
update_results.(key) string Name of the attribute.
yelp_business_id string Unique Yelp identifier for the business.

Note: It takes 30-60 seconds for Yelp to process each job, so the yelp_business_id will be set to ‘null’ temporarily. We recommend that you wait at least 5 minutes before you poll the job, though most jobs will return yelp_business_id within 1 minute.

Call to Action – Desktop

	"create": {
		"button_text": {string},
		"end_date": {date},
		"text": {string},
		"url": {string}
	"end": {boolean}
Property Name Value Description
create object Create a new CTA or replace a currently running CTA. Either "create" or "end" must be specified, but both can’t be used in the same request.
create.button_text string Text for the button. Must be one of the following values in the appropriate language (French, German, English, or Spanish):

Apply Now
Book Appointment
Book Now
Buy Tickets
Check Availability
Contact Us
Enroll Now
Get Directions
Get Offer
Get Quote
Join Now
Learn More
Make Reservation
Order Online
Print Coupon
Print Voucher
Reserve Now
Schedule Appointment
View Now
Visit Location

If a button is specified, "url" must also be provided. Set to null if no button is desired. Required.
create.end_date date End date for the offer. if not specified, offer runs indefinitely.
create.text string Additional information about the offer (e.g., "$1 First Month’s Rent! No credit card required"). Maximum length is 50, new lines and brackets (<>) are not allowed. Required.
create.url string URL for the offer. Maximum length is 2,000; only digits, ASCII letters, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed. Must start with http:// or https://. Links to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or other directories are not allowed in most cases. Required if "button" is not null.
end boolean End a currently running CTA if set to true. Either "create" or "end" must be specified, but both can’t be used in the same request.

Call to Action – Mobile

	"create": {
		"action_text": {string},
		"description_text": {string},
		"end_date": {date},
		"url": {string}
	"end": {boolean}
Property Name Value Description
create object Create a new CTA or replace a currently running CTA. Either "create" or "end" must be specified, but both can’t be used in the same request.
create.action_text string Call to action text (e.g., "Call Now for $1 First Month!"). Maximum length is 30, new lines and brackets (<>) are not allowed. Required.
create.description_text string Additional information about the offer (e.g., "No credit card required, no obligation."). Maximum length is 50, new lines and brackets (<>) are not allowed. Required.
create.end_date date End date for the offer. If not specified, offer runs indefinitely.
create.url string URL for the offer. Maximum length is 2,000; only digits, ASCII letters, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed. Must start with http://, https://, or tel: for phone number (e.g., "tel:+14159083801"). Links to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or other directories are not allowed in most cases. Required.
end boolean End a currently running CTA if set to true. Either "create" or "end" must be specified, but both can’t be used in the same request.

Call Tracking Number (CTN) Enablement


The Yelp Data Ingestion API allows partners to set Call Tracking Numbers (CTNs) for Yelp business listings by programmatically sending the CTN and Ring-To-Number values in the data ingestion job.

Enable CTN

The following business attributes must be sent in the data ingestion job. Both attributes are required in order for the update to be successful:

metered_phone: Set the CTN value to this attribute

phone: Set the Ring-To-Number value to this attribute



	"businesses": [
			"matching_criteria": {
				"address1": "800 N Point St",
				"address2": null,
				"address3": null,
				"city": "San Francisco",
				"country": "US",
				"latitude": 37.8058024,
				"longitude": -122.420582,
				"name": "Gary Danko",
				"phone": "+14157492060",
				"postal_code": "94109",
				"state": "CA"
				"yelp_business_id": "WavvLdfdP6g8aZTtbBQHTw"
			"options": {
				"create_if_missing": false,
				"use_matching_criteria_for_update": false,
			"partner_business_id": "12345",
			"update": {
							"metered_phone": "+18005551212",
							"phone": "+14157492060"

Disable CTN

If the CTN is no longer active, the CTN can be disabled by one of two methods:

1.) By ending the Branded Profile or CPC or EP program for the business listing. Please refer to the Ads API] document for details on terminating a Branded or Enhanced Profile Program

2.) By setting the metered_phone attribute to an empty string. This will remove the CTN from the Yelp listing and display the phone number again on the listing. Please note that both the metered_phone and phone attributes need to be sent and set to the following values:

metered_phone: Set the value to empty string ('') to remove the CTN

phone: Set the Ring-To-Number value to this attribute



	"businesses": [
			"matching_criteria": {
				"address1": "800 N Point St",
				"address2": null,
				"address3": null,
				"city": "San Francisco",
				"country": "US",
				"latitude": 37.8058024,
				"longitude": -122.420582,
				"name": "Gary Danko",
				"phone": "+14157492060",
				"postal_code": "94109",
				"state": "CA"
				"yelp_business_id": "WavvLdfdP6g8aZTtbBQHTw"
			"options": {
				"create_if_missing": false,
				"use_matching_criteria_for_update": false,
			"partner_business_id": "12345",
			"update": {
							"metered_phone": "",
							"phone": "+14157492060"


	"amount": {string},
	"currency_code": {string}
Property Name Value Description
amount string Currency amount with exact precision. the number of decimal places should follow ISO 4217.
currency_code string The ISO 4217 2-character code for the currency. Maximum length is 3.


	"code": {string},
	"message": {string}
Property Name Value Description
code string Standard description of the error.
message string Human-readable description of the problem, potentially including additional information for troubleshooting.

See Appendix B: Error Code Reference for a list of possible error codes and messages.


	"businesses": [
		Business Object
Property Name Value Description
businesses[] list List of the businesses to create or update for this job. Maximum of 200 businesses.

Job Response

	"job_id": {string},
	"error": Error Object,
Property Name Value Description
job_id string Unique ID used to identify a Data Ingestion API job. Use to query for the status of a job.
error nested object Error that occurred when creating the job.

Job Status

	"business_results": [
		Business Result Object
	"error": Error Object,
Property Name Value Description
business_results[] list List of the business results. Note that the results are in the same order as the original job.

This list can be empty if the job is still processing.
error nested object Error that occurred when retrieving the status of the job.

Menu Data

	"attribution_image_url": {string},
	"attribution_link_url": {string},
	"attribution_text": {string},
	"items": [
		Menu Item Object or Menu Text Object
	"menu_id": {string},
	"menus": [
			"description": {string},
			"items": [
				Menu Item Object or Menu Text Object
			"name": {string},
			"sections": [
					"description": {string},
					"items": [
						Menu Item Object or Menu Text Object
					"name": {string},
					"sub_sections": [
							"description": {string},
							"items": [
								Menu Item Object or Menu Text Object
							"name": {string}
Property Name Value Description
attribution_image_url string URL to the image to display for attribution purposes. Maximum length is 2,000; only digits, ASCII letters, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed. Must start with http:// or https://.
attribution_link_url string Destination URL for the attribution image or text. URL to the image to display for attribution purposes. Maximum length is 2,000; only digits, ASCII letters, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed. Must start with http:// or https://.
attribution_text string Text to display for attribution purposes. Maximum length is 300; only digits, letters, spaces, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;=?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed.
items[] list List of top-level items (not contained in any menu).
menu_id string Unique identifier for the menu. Maximum length is 4,096; only digits, letters, spaces, and #$-\&/,."*'()% are allowed. Required.
menus[] list List of menus. Required.
menus[].description string Description for the menu. Maximum length is 7,000; only digits, letters, spaces, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;=?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed.
menus[].items[] list Items in the menu.
menus[].name string Name for the menu. Maximum length is 4,096; only digits, letters, spaces, and #$-\&/,."*'()% are allowed. Required.
menus[].sections[] list Sections in the menu.
menus[].sections[].description string Description for the section. Maximum length is 7,000; only digits, letters, spaces, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;=?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed.
menus[].sections[].items[] list Items in the section.
menus[].sections[].name string Name for the section. Maximum length is 4,096; only digits, letters, spaces, and #$-\&/,."*'()% are allowed.
menus[].sections[].sub_sections[] list Sub-sections in the section. At least one of description, name, or items must be specified for sub-sections.
menus[]...sub_sections[].description string Description for the sub-section. Maximum length is 7,000; only digits, letters, spaces, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;=?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed.
menus[]...sub_sections[].items string Items in the sub-section.
menus[]...sub_sections[].name string Name for the sub-section. Maximum length is 4,096; only digits, letters, spaces, and #$-\&/,."*'()% are allowed.

Menu Item

	"description": {string},
	"item_options": [
			"label": {string},
			"price": {string}
	"name": {string},
	"price": {string},
	"type": {string}
Property Name Value Description
description string Description for the section. Maximum length is 7,000; only digits, letters, spaces, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;=?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed.
item_options[] list Options for the item (e.g., sizes, add-ons).
item_options[].label string Label for the option. Maximum length is 4,096; only digits, letters, spaces, and #$-\&/,."*'()% are allowed.
item_options[].price string Price of the option. Maximum length is 256; only digits, ASCII letters, spaces, and $+. are allowed. When specifying a price (vs. "Market Price"), value must include currency symbol and have 2 decimal places (e.g., "$1.00").
name string Name of the item. Maximum length is 4,096; only digits, letters, spaces, and #$-\&/®,."*'()% are allowed. Required.
price string Price of the item. Maximum length is 256; only digits, ASCII letters, spaces, and $+. are allowed. When specifying a price (vs. "Market Price"), value must include currency symbol and have 2 decimal places (e.g., "$1.00").
type string Must be "MENU_ITEM".

Menu Text

	"text": {string},
	"type": {string}
Property Name Value Description
text string Text to display. Maximum length is 7,000; only digits, letters, spaces, and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;=?@[\]^_`{|}~ are allowed.
type string Must be "MENU_TEXT".

Platform Service

	"active": {boolean},
	"areas": [
		Platform Service Area Object
	"ownership": {string},
	"partner_service_id": {string},
	"types": [
		Platform Service Type Object
	"ordering_phone": {string}
Property Name Value Description
active boolean Whether the business’s offerings are currently available. Required.
areas[] list List of service areas.
ownership string Provider of the offerings. Required. Possible values are:

"business" – the business provides fulfillment-
"third_party" – a 3rd party provider provides fulfillment
partner_service_id string Optional unique partner identifier for the service. Must not contain leading or trailing spaces. Maximum length is 50.
types[] list List of service types. Required.
ordering_phone string Optional phone number for placing an order, either (a) locally-formatted with digits only (e.g., 016703080) or (b) internationally-formatted with a leading + sign and digits only after (+35316703080). Maximum length is 32. Currently available only for select food partners.

Platform Service Area

	"area": {string} or Platform Service Area Polygon,
	"estimated_arrival": {
		"maximum": {integer},
		"minimum": {integer}
	"minimum_order": Currency Object,
	"service_charges": {
		"charge": {string} or Currency Object,
		"description": {string},
		"maximum_subtotal": Currency Object,
		"minimum_subtotal": Currency Object,
		"type": {string}
	"type": {string}
Property Name Value Description
area string or nested object Definition of the service area. Value depends on the "type" property:

"polygon" – list of latitude/longitude pairs as a Platform Service Area Polygon resource
"postal_code" – postal code for the area as a string
"radius" – radius, in miles, around the business as a string.
estimated_arrival object Estimated arrival time window for the service area in minutes.
estimated_arrival.maximum integer Maximum time, in minutes, for the estimated arrival time.
estimated_arrival.minimum integer Minimum time, in minutes, for the estimated arrival time.
minimum_order nested object Required minimum order subtotal for this service area.
service_charges[] list List of service charges.
service_charges[].charge string or nested object Amount of the service charge. Value depends on "type" property:

"fixed" – the amount to charge as a Currency resource
"percentage" – the percentage of the order subtotal to charge as a string.
service_charges[].description string Optional description for the service charge. If not specified, "Service Charge" is used.
service_charges[].maximum_subtotal nested object Maximum order subtotal for which this service charge applies. If not specified, service charge has no upper subtotal limit.
service_charges[].type string Type of service charge. Possible values are:

"fixed" – the charge is a fixed amount
"percentage" – the charge is a percentage of the order subtotal
type string Type of service area. Possible values are:

"polygon" – an area defined by a list of latitude/longitude pairs
"postal_code" – an area defined by a postal code
"radius" – an area defined by a radius, in miles, around the business.

Platform Service Area Polygon

		"latitude": {double},
		"longitude": {double}
Property Name Value Description
latitude double The WGS84 latitude of a polygon point in decimal degrees. Must be between -90 and 90.
longitude double The WGS84 longitude of a polygon point in decimal degrees. Must be between -180 and 180.

Platform Service Type

	"exceptions": [
				"date": {date},
				"start": {time},
				"end": {time}
	"hours": [
				"day": {string},
				"start": {time},
				"end": {time}
	"estimate": {
		"maximum": {integer},
		"minimum": {integer}
	"service_type": {string}
Property Name Value Description
exceptions[] list List of exceptions to the standard available hours of the service type.
exceptions[].date date The date of the exception.
exceptions[].start time The time the service type starts being available on the specified date.
exceptions[].end time The time the service type ends being available on the specified date. The end time can be earlier than the start time if the service type ends the following day (e.g., starts at 7 PM and ends at 2 AM).
hours[] list RThe available hours of the service type. Multiple entries can exist for the same day (e.g., a service type is available for lunch and dinner but not available in between).
hours[].day string The full day of the week, in English, for the hours. Possible values are:

hours[].start time The time the service type starts being available on the specified day. Send midnight as 00:00 not 24:00
hours[].end time The time the service type ends being available on the specified day. The end time can be earlier than the start time if the service type ends the following day (e.g., starts at 7 PM and ends at 2 AM). Send midnight as 00:00 not 24:00.
estimate object Estimated fulfillment time window for the service type in minutes.
estimate.maximum integer Maximum time, in minutes, for the estimated fulfillment time.
estimate.minimum integer Minimum time, in minutes, for the estimated arrival time.
service_type string Type of service offered. Possible values are:

"booking_at_business" – the business offers appointments or reservations at its location
"booking_at_customer" – the business offers appointments or reservations at the customer’s location
"delivery" – the business offers food order delivery
"pickup" – the business offers food order pickup.
"hotel_reservation" – the business offers hotel room reservation,
"restaurant_reservation" – the business offers restaurant table reservation,
"goods_at_business" – the business offers items (not food) for sale at its location,
"goods_at_customer" – the business offers items (not food) for sale to be brought to the customer’s location (i.e. delivery),
"club_service" – the business offers club service (i.e. tables, ticketing),
"medical_compliant" – reach out to Yelp to use this service type,
"waitlist_reservation" – the business offers waitlist reservations.

Linkout Data

		"service_active": {boolean},
		"service_type": {string},
		"linkout_url": {string}
Property Name Value Description
service_active boolean Whether the business’s service is currently available. Required.
service_type string Service types offered by the business. Possible values are:

"pickup" – Business offers takeout service.
"delivery" – Business offers delivery service. Required.
linkout_url string Url to linkout to external partner business. Required.


	"error": Error Object,
	"requested_value": {string},
	"status": {string}
Property Name Value Description
error nested object Error that occurred when processing the attribute. Only present if the status is "REJECTED" or "FAILED".
requested_value string Requested value as provided in the original request.
status string Status of the attribute. Possible values are:

"PROCESSING" – the attribute is being processed
"APPLIED" – the attribute has been updated but is still pending review
"COMPLETED" – the attribute has been updated and reviewed
"REJECTED" – the attribute was rejected
"FAILED" – the attribute update failed due to an internal error.

Service Offerings

	"alias": {string},
	"value": {boolean}
Property Name Value Description
alias string The services offered, as Yelp aliases, by the business. Case-sensitive. Service offerings availability is dependant on the business's categories.
value boolean Does the business offer this service? true=yes, false=no.

Jobs Data

Naming note: While we talk about more generic “Jobs” to submit to this system, when we use the term “Jobs Data”, we refer to the services provided by a business. That is, the “jobs” that a service business performs, such as job_plumbing_repair or job_flooring_installation.

Jobs Data has a complex structure. If you’re interested in submitting Jobs Data, please contact us at [email protected] for assistance and onboarding.

    "job_alias": {string},
    "value": {boolean},
    "job_attributes": [Job Attribute Object]
Property Name Value Description
job_alias string The Jobs offered, as Yelp aliases, by the business. Case-sensitive. Jobs availability is dependent on a business' Categories. Always prefixed with job_*.
value boolean Whether this Job is enabled for this business.
job_attributes [Job Attribute] Optional. Attributes are additional qualifiers on a Job. For example a Metal Working Job can be made more specific that the business can work with specific materials such as Steel.

Job Attribute

    "value": {boolean},
    "relation": {string},
    "entities": [{string}]

Property Name Value Refers to whether this Job Attribute is enabled.
relation string An Attribute alias, always prefixed with rel_*. Case-sensitive. Relation availability is dependent on the Job. Example: rel_works_on_item
entities [string] List of Attribute values that the business works with via the specified Relation. Case-sensitive. Must specify at least one value in the list. Entity availability depends on the combination of Job and Relation. Example: [item_toilet, item_sump_pump, item_shower]

API Reference

The following methods are available via the Data Ingestion API. URLs are relative to unless otherwise noted.

Method HTTP Request Description
create POST /create Create a new ingestion job.
status GET / status/ {job_id} Obtain the status of an existing ingestion job.


Creates a new ingestion job for the provided resources.


HTTP Request



Do not supply parameters with this method.

Request Body

In the request body, supply a Job resource with the following required properties:

Property Name Value Description
businesses[] list List of the businesses to create or update for this job.


If successful, this method returns a Job Response resource in the response body.



	"businesses": [
			"matching_criteria": {
				"address1": "800 N Point St",
				"address2": null,
				"address3": null,
				"city": "San Francisco",
				"country": "US",
				"latitude": 37.8058024,
				"longitude": -122.420582,
				"name": "Gary Danko",
				"phone": "+14157492060",
				"postal_code": "94109",
				"state": "CA"
				"yelp_business_id": "WavvLdfdP6g8aZTtbBQHTw"
			"options": {
				"create_if_missing": false,
				"use_matching_criteria_for_update": false,
			"partner_business_id": "12345",
			"update": {
				"accepts_credit_cards": true,
				"alcohol": "full_bar",
				"categories": [
				"caters": false,
				"delivery": false,
				"has_tv": false,
				"hours": [
						"day": "monday",
						"open": "17:30:00",
						"close": "22:00:00"
					}, {
						"day": "tuesday",
						"open": "17:30:00",
						"close": "22:00:00"
					}, {
						"day": "wednesday",
						"open": "17:30:00",
						"close": "22:00:00"
					}, {
						"day": "thursday",
						"open": "17:30:00",
						"close": "22:00:00"
					}, {
						"day": "friday",
						"open": "17:30:00",
						"close": "22:00:00"
					}, {
						"day": "saturday",
						"open": "17:30:00",
						"close": "22:00:00"
					}, {
						"day": "sunday",
						"open": "17:30:00",
						"close": "22:00:00"
				"is_customer": false,
				"is_owner_verified": true,
				"parking": {
					"garage": false,
					"lot": false,
					"street": false,
					"valet": true,
					"validated": false
				"platform_service": {
    			"active": true,
					"ownership": "business",
					"partner_service_id": "12345-delivery",
					"areas": [
							"type": "postal_code",
							"area": "94133",
							"service_charges": [
									"type": "fixed",
									"minimum_subtotal": {
										"amount": "20.00",
										"currency_code": "USD"
									"charge": {
										"amount": "5.00",
										"currency_code": "USD"
								}, {
									"type": "percentage",
									"description": "Service Charge (10%)",
									"maximum_subtotal": {
										"amount": "20.00",
										"currency_code": "USD"
									"charge": "10.00"
							"minimum_order": {
								"amount": "10.00",
								"currency_code": "USD"
							"estimated_arrival": {
								"minimum": 45,
								"maximum": 60
						}, {
							"type": "radius",
							"area": "10.5",
							"service_charges": [
									"type": "fixed",
									"charge": {
										"amount": "10.00",
										"currency_code": "USD"
							"minimum_order": {
								"amount": "15.00",
								"currency_code": "USD"
							"estimated_arrival": {
								"minimum": 60,
								"maximum": 75
						}, {
							"type": "polygon",
							"area": [
									"latitude": 37.70796096626821,
									"longitude": -122.51380219886479
								}, {
									"latitude": 37.70796096626821,
									"longitude": -122.3568857615554
							"minimum_order": {
								"amount": "20.00",
								"currency_code": "USD"
							"estimated_arrival": {
								"minimum": 75,
								"maximum": 90
					"service_types": [
							"service_type": "delivery",
							"hours": [
									"day": "monday",
									"start": "17:30:00",
									"end": "22:00:00"
							"exceptions": [
									"date": "2013-07-04",
									"start": "18:00:00",
									"end": "21:00:00"
				"outdoor_seating": false,
				"take_out": false,
				"takes_reservations": true,
				"url": "",
				"waiter_service": true,
				"wheelchair_accessible": true,
				"wifi": "no"

If the request was successful:
	"job_id": "c6HT44PKCaXqzN_BdgKPCw"

If the request was not successful:
	"error": {
		"code": "INVALID_JSON",
		"message": "The submitted JSON is invalid",


Obtain the status of a Data Ingestion job and its individual parts.


HTTP Request

Property Name Value Description
jod_id string Identifier of the job as returned from the create call. Job_ids are retained for 14 days on Yelp's end, after this the job won't be queryable.
detail_level integer Parameter to check if business attributes have been applied

Request Body

Do not supply a request body with this method.
If successful, this method returns a Job Status resource in the response body.




	"business_results": {
		"partner_business_id": "12345",
		"results": {
			"name": {
				"requested_value": "Gary Danko",
"status": "COMPLETED",
			"photos": [
					"error": {
		"message": "The submitted photo failed to download"
					"requested_value": {
							"caption": "Entrance off North Point St",
							"url": "",
	"status": "REJECTED",
					"caption": {
						"requested_value": "Ahi Tuna",
		"status": "COMPLETED"
					"url": {
						"requested_value": "",
		"status": "COMPLETED"
					"caption": {
						"error": {
							"code": "TEXT_TOO_LONG",
			"message": "Inputted text exceeds maximum length."
						"requested_value": "Some really long text...",
		"status": "REJECTED"
					"url": {
						"requested_value": "",
		"status": "COMPLETED"
			"url": {
				"requested_value": "",
"status": "PROCESSING",
		"status": "PROCESSING",
		"yelp_business_id": "WavvLdfdP6g8aZTtbBQHTw",

For attributes where Yelp has granted you Publish-Then-Review fast-tracking, you can set the 'detail_level' parameter to 2 which will reflect the job status state for when updated attributes are live on Yelp's site.




	"status": "APPLIED",
	"completed_at": null,
	"created_at": "2018-09-18T23:15:04+00:00",
	"business_results": [
			"status": "APPLIED",
			"yelp_business_id": "4ojWppqh0YFoU9NQ7532PQ",
			"update_results": {
				"accepts_credit_cards": {
					"status": "APPLIED",
					"requested_value": "true"
				"name": {
					"status": "COMPLETED",
					"requested_value": "Musikal"
				"city": {
					"status": "COMPLETED",
					"requested_value": "Gunnison"
				"address1": {
					"status": "COMPLETED",
					"requested_value": "600 E Tomichi Ave"
				"address2": {
					"status": "COMPLETED",
					"requested_value": "Ste 200"
				"wifi": {
					"status": "COMPLETED",
					"requested_value": "true",
					"error": {
						"message": "This value can not be set on this attribute.",
				"phone": {
					"status": "COMPLETED",
					"requested_value": "+19255058800"
				"state": {
					"status": "COMPLETED",
					"requested_value": "CO"
				"postal_code": {
					"status": "COMPLETED",
					"requested_value": "81230"
				"country": {
					"status": "COMPLETED",
					"requested_value": "US"
				"categories": [
						"status": "APPLIED",
						"requested_value": "musicians"
			"partner_business_id": null

If a new business creation is rejected, the business receipt will show a business-level rejection, rather than listing the status of each individual attribute:

	"status": "COMPLETED", 
	"completed_at": "2015-03-10T04:33:58+00:00", 
	"created_at": "2015-03-10T04:28:37+00:00", 
	"business_results": [
			"status": "REJECTED", 
			"yelp_business_id": "V-OGEpNaFIPb19H8l_9K8w", 
			"partner_business_id": "a51d0f6b1f0a22a1066c", 
			"error": {
				"message": "The created business was removed by our User Ops team.", 

Delete Photos


  1. Submit photos using Data Ingestion API
  2. Yelp returns unique photo IDs for each photo in the Data Ingestion API status.
  3. Save the photo IDs on your system.
  4. When you want to delete photo(s), send a Data Ingestion API call with the ID(s) of the photos you want to delete.
  5. You'll only be able to delete photos that you added.

Example 1: Data Ingestion job response with photo IDs.

The job response will contain "photo_id" in the object which contain the photo ID of the uploaded photo:

"photo_id": "41y7HRzJFnnFEDWEMcIdzw"

"photo_id": "Cd6bYfOenrCmfRTO1lKBxg"

  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "yelp_business_id": "H0bZzWNMSl8IbeMkr6ABYw",
  "update_results": {
    "photos": [
        "url": {
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "requested_value": ""
        "caption": {
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "requested_value": "Mug of Beer"
        "photo_id": {
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "photo_id": "41y7HRzJFnnFEDWEMcIdzw"
        "url": {
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "requested_value": ""
        "caption": {
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "requested_value": "Loaded Nachos"
        "photo_id": {
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "photo_id": "Cd6bYfOenrCmfRTO1lKBxg"
  "partner_business_id": null

Example 2: Data Ingestion job request to delete a photo.

Pass in a "delete_photos" object with a comma-delimited list of photo ids:

  "businesses": [
      "matching_criteria": {
        "yelp_business_id": "vsI-zHdG7cFQzpGsyxpQnA"
      "update": {
        "delete_photos": [

Important to Note: Business Details API endpoint currently does not return photo IDs. All unique photo IDs are returned for each photo in the Data Ingestion API status.

You're only able to delete photos that you added. To enable Delete Photo access, please email [email protected]

Create Business

HTTP Request


This example below shows how you can create a new business called "BoJack's Restaurant".

The Yelp User Operations team will need to approve the new business listing once created (1-2 days).

Request Body

	"businesses": [{
		"matching_criteria": {
			"name": "BoJack's Restaurant",
			"address1": "15 Hollywoo St",
			"city": "Los Angeles",
			"state": "CA",
			"country": "US",
			"phone": "+13640222312",
			"latitude": 1.924122456,
			"longitude": 49.12122299
		"options": {
			"use_matching_criteria_for_update": "true",
			"create_if_missing": "true"
		"update": {
			"categories": ["pizza"]


    "status": "PROCESSING",
    "yelp_business_id": "9RKJAGex9lXjUReMcDETpg",
    "update_results": {
        "categories": [
                "status": "APPLIED",
                "requested_value": "pizza"
    "partner_business_id": null

Appendix A: Country & State Codes


The Data Ingestion API uses ISO 3166-1 alpha2 country codes for the "country" field, and ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes (without country code) for the "state" field. This appendix clarifies edge cases and exceptions.


No exceptions of note.

State (Country Subdivisions)

In several countries, there are several levels of subdivision; the Data Ingestion API may support some but not all of them.

Subdivisions in countries with multiple layers

In countries with multiple layers of subdivisions with ISO 3166-2 codes, we may support some but not all.

Country Code Country Name Description
CZ Czech Republic Regions are supported.
Districts are not supported.
ES Spain Provinces and autonomous cities are supported.
Autonomous communities are not supported.
FR France Metropolitan departments are supported.
Metropolitan Regions, Overseas Departments, and Dependency and overseas territorial collectivities are not supported.
GB United Kingdom Two-tier counties are supported.
Unitary authorities are supported.

One custom state "XGL" (Greater London) covers the City of London and the 32 London boroughs.

Metropolitan counties are supported, with the following custom codes:

XGM Greater Manchester
XMS Merseyside
XSY South Yorkshire
XTW Tyne and Wear
XWM West Midlands
XWY West Yorkshire

London Boroughs are not supported.
Metropolitan Districts are not supported.
Countries are not supported.
IE Ireland Counties are supported.
Provinces are not supported.
IT Italy Provinces are supported.
Regions are not supported.
NL Netherlands Provinces are supported.
Countries and Special Municipalities are not supported.
PH Philippines Provinces are supported.
One custom province "NCR" covers Metro Manila.

Regions are not supported.
SG Singapore One custom state "SG" is supported.
Districts are not supported.
TW Taiwan Districts are supported, with the exception of:
KHQ (see KHH)
TXQ (see TXG)
TNQ (see TNN)
Note that TPQ refers to New Taipei City.

Municipalities are supported.
All currently assigned special municipalities are supported.

Two custom codes cover additional counties:
LCH Lienchiang County (incl. Lienchiang and Matsu Islands)
KNM Kinmen County (incl. Kinmen and Quemoy)

Subdivisions included in ISO 3166-1

Some country subdivisions also have a dedicated ISO 3166-1 country code. In this case, the same code is used as both the country and state code.

United States Outlying Areas

Country Code Country Name State Code
AS American Samoa AS
GU Guam GU
MP Northern Mariana Islands MP
PR Puerto Rico PR
UM United States Minor Outlying Islands UM
VI US Virgin Islands VI

United Kingdom Crown Dependencies

Country Code Country Name State Code
GG Guernsey GG
IM Isle of Man IM
JE Jersey JE

Appendix B: Error Code Reference

The following is a list of error codes that can be returned from the Data Ingestion API.

Input Errors

Input errors indicate that something was wrong with the format or content of the request made to Data Ingestion. The request should be updated to fix the error and may then be resubmitted.

Error Code Error Message
ATTRIBUTES_CONFLICT The attributes {first_attribute} and {second_attribute} cannot both be set.
ATTRIBUTE_ALREADY_HAS_VALUE The value that was submitted for this attribute already exists on the business. (This means that your category updates did not get accepted because the categories already exist on Yelp)
ATTRIBUTE_ALREADY_IN_QUEUE The value that was submitted for this attribute is already in Yelp's User Ops queue.
ATTRIBUTE_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED You are not authorized to update this attribute.
ATTRIBUTE_CANNOT_BE_UPDATED_ ON_AN_EXISTING_PHOTO_ERROR This attribute cannot be updated on preexisting photos.
ATTRIBUTE_LOCKED The value that was submitted wasn't used because the attribute is locked.1
ATTRIBUTE_REMOVED_FROM_QUEUE This attribute has been replaced in the queue by a more recent attribute change.
BUSINESS_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED You are not authorized to change this business: {message}.2 Typically authorization is handled by a country whitelist (you'd encounter this error if updating a not whitelisted country) OR authorization is handled by the location subscription api, in this case you'd encounter this error if you haven't subscribed to the business before trying to update it. If you have questions about your authorization, reach out to [email protected]
BUSINESS_CREATE_REJECTED The created business was removed by our User Ops team.
BUSINESS_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ PRIMARY_VIDEO Business {business_id} does not have an active advertiser video.
BUSINESS_MATCH_FAILED Failed to find matching business.3
BUSINESS_NOT_ACTIVE This business cannot be accessed because it is {inactive_type}.
BUSINESS_NOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_ SERVICE_AREA Based on its categories, this business is not eligible for service areas.
CATEGORY_ALIAS_NOT_RECOGNIZED The provided category alias does not exist.
CATEGORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The number of categories supplied exceeds the limit.
CTA_BELONGS_TO_OTHER_SOURCE Cannot end a CTA that you do not own.
CTA_UPDATE_FAILED Unable to update Call to Action buttons because this business does not have an active or future Branded Profile or Enhanced Profile program
DATA_IS_OBVIATED Our User Ops team has determined that the submitted value is not as up to date as the value that we have in our records.
DISALLOWED_CHARACTER The disallowed character {disallowed_character} was found at position {position} of the input string.
EMAIL_IN_USE_ERROR Email already in use.
INVALID_ALIAS The business alias you provided for yelp_business_id is not currently associated with any Yelp businesses.
INVALID_CATEGORY_FOR_PARTNER The provided category is invalid for the partner's configuration.
INVALID_FORMAT The format of this value is not consistent with what is expected.
INVALID_HOURS The submitted hours are invalid.
INVALID_IMAGE_DATA The data at the provided url was not in a recognized image format.
INCOMPATIBLE_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ValidationError: Job cannot be false if Attribute is true {job_and_attribute_aliases}.
INVALID_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_RELATIONSHIP ValidationError: Job+Relation+Entity:{job_relation_entity_aliases} are invalid together.
INVALID_JSON The submitted JSON is invalid. {reason}.
INVALID_LIST_INDEXES The list expected all items to validate. However, it contains errors at the following indexes: ({indexes_with_errors}).
INVALID_MONEY_STRING The amount provided is not a valid representation of money.
INVALID_OR_MISSING_REQUIRED_ KEY Invalid or missing required key(s): {required_keys}.
INVALID_SERVICE_AREA The service area provided is not valid.
INVALID_POLYGON_INTERSECTING_ EDGES The polygon provided is not valid. Its edges are intersecting.
INVALID_POLYGON_INSUFFICIENT_ POINTS The polygon provided is not valid. It must be defined by at least three points.
INVALID_POLYGON_VOID The polygon provided is not valid. Coordinates not provided.
INVALID_SERVICE_CHARGE The service charge provided is not valid.
INVALID_VALUE The value is not consistent with what is expected.
INVALID_YELP_BUSINESS_ID The yelp business id is invalid.
JOB_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED You are not authorized to retrieve this job.
JOB_ID_NOT_RECOGNIZED The provided job id was not found in our records.
MATCHING_CRITERIA_NOT_A_DICT Matching criteria is expected to be a dictionary, but the value received was not a dictionary.
MATCHING_CRITERIA_NOT_FOUND Matching criteria is required.
MINIMUM_GREATER_THAN_MAXIMUM_ ARRIVAL_TIME_ERROR The provided minimum arrival time ({minimum}) was greater than provided maximum arrival time ({maximum}).
MISSING_ALL_OPTIONAL_KEYS One key from this set of keys: ({optional_set_of_keys}) must contain a valid value. However, none was given.
MISSING_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES Both latitude and longitude must be present and valid for manual geocoding.
MULTIPLE_PHOTO_TYPES A photo cannot be a business owner photo and a user photo at the same time.
PARENT_WAS_FAILED This item's parent was failed, and as a result this item was also failed.
PARENT_WAS_REJECTED This item's parent was rejected, and as a result this item was also rejected.
PHOTO_FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD The submitted photo failed to download.
PHOTO_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED You are not authorized to add photos of this type.
REJECTED_BY_USER_OPS The value that was provided was rejected by the user ops team.
SERVICE_AREA_NOT_FOUND Unable to find the given location: {location}.
SERVICE_AREA_TOO_WIDE The service area is too wide as the submitted locations are more than {max_distance} miles apart. The problematic locations were {location1} and {location2}.
TEXT_TOO_LONG Inputted text exceeds maximum length.
TOO_MANY_CAPITAL_LETTERS Inputted text has too many capital letters.
TOO_MANY_CONSECUTIVE_CAPITAL_LETTERS Inputted text has too many consecutive capital letters.
TOO_MANY_PARTNER_BUSINESS_ERROR The number of businesses in the request exceeded the maximum of 200.
TOO_MANY_SERVICE_AREAS The number of service area locations in the request exceeded the maximum number of allowed service areas for a business.
TOO_MANY_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS Inputted text has too many special characters.
TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED Unknown item type: {type_received}.
UNCATEGORIZED_BUSINESS_UPDATE_NEEDS_CATEGORIES This business is uncategorized and requires a category update in order to update any other attribute.
UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE The specified attribute is not recognized by our system.
UNKNOWN_OPTIONS The specified keys are not recognized by our system: {keys}.
USER_ID_IS_NOT_VALID The specified user id is not valid.
VALIDATION_FAILED {original_message}4
VALUE_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED You are not authorized to update this attribute with the given value.
VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_ATTRIBUTE This value can not be set on this attribute.
VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_COUNTRY This value can not be set on businesses from this country.
VALUE_NOT_A_DICT The given value was not a dictionary, but a dictionary was expected.
VALUE_NOT_A_LIST The given value was not a list, but a list was expected.
VALUE_NOT_NULLABLE Null was set as the value for this attribute, but this value is not nullable.
YELP_BUSINESS_ID_MISMATCH The business id you passed ({partner_yelp_business_id}) did not match what we found ({matched_yelp_business_id}).
ZERO_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES The given latitude and longitude values were zero. Please provide valid values.

1. Attributes typically become locked if a) the business is advertising on Yelp and doesn’t want any changes to their information (like phone number, URL, or metered phone) during the program or b) if the business owner made a recent change themselves. If a business owner recently changed service_area in their Yelp Business Owner login, that would cause service_area to be locked via API. If you believe this field should be unlocked please escalate to [email protected] and include why this field should be unlocked.

2. If provided, the message field will contain the authorization criteria that failed for the request.

3. This error occurs when the "matching_criteria" submitted for the business does not match Yelp’s internal data. Please verify that the submitted "matching_criteria" matches the data for the business as it appears on Common attributes that cause this error are incorrect "yelp_business_id", "latitude", "longitude", and "phone" - these can usually be omitted from "matching_criteria". Unusual formats of "address1", "address2", or "address3" can also cause a business match failure.

4. The original_message field will contain a description of why validation failed for the submitted request.

Internal Errors

Internal errors indicate a problem occurred within the Data Ingestion system. You may retry your request at a later time. If the problem persists, please report the issue to Yelp.

Error Code Error Message
BUSINESS_MATCH_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error occurred while matching the business.
BUSINESS_MEDIA_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error occurred while processing an update to business media.
INTERNAL_ERROR An error has occurred while processing your change.

Appendix C: Service Area Eligibility

Service Area

See a full list of Service Area Eligible Categories.


Check out our Data Ingestion API Reference Page

:owlbert: Data Ingestion Endpoints