Get Businesses Associated with Access Token

Fields in the JSON HTTP 200 response body:

Paramater NameDescription
business_idsA list of business ids associated with the access token’s business user

Error Scenarios

For the following error scenarios, Yelp will respond with an HTTP error with the following format for the response body:

    "error": {
        "id" : "<ERROR_CODE_ID>",
        "description": "<Human readable description.>",
        "http_code": "<http_code>"
INVALID_TOKENThe access token provided is expired, revoked, malformed, or invalid for other reasonsHTTPUnauthorized (401)
INVALID_REQUESTMissing a required parameter or includes an unsupported parameter.HTTPBadRequest (400)
INSUFFICIENT_SCOPEThe request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token.HTTPBadRequest (400)


This endpoint is part of the Respond to Reviews API, visit Respond to Reviews API to learn more.
